Monday, December 31, 2012

Keeping a log of my coding

Yesterday, I started coding on "Codecademy" so that I could learn how to code to make a web site called "Pick-n-Run". The coding that I choose is JavaScript. What I did is doing math in coding, a confirm, a question, and a if/else question. What the prompt part is for is when you could ask a question (like when the computer is asking you a question) and you answer it. The confirm is when you confirm of doing something, like you confirm that this answer is right and the robot will cross the road without getting hit. After those sections, I did the if/else section. In the if section, it will show a question and an answer that is true or false. If it is true, then it will go to the first choose, if it is false, it will go to the else section. The else section will show the right answer and will go to the second choose. It is taking me a while to get it, but I am understanding how it works. Those are what I learned yesterday. 

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