Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Mission to Drive

For the past couple of days, many things happened (just like for many of you). School was the first thing, or the main focus for me, music was the second, and relaxation was the third. Everything else are just minor  things, such as organizing my emails, cleaning my room, or just blogging (like right now), that would do whenever I am free (free time is during relaxation time). That is not important, the point it, something special happened two days ago; I finally got my licence plate!
What joy I had to have my own personalize plate for my own car, which will come by the end of this month (May), from all the way from Colorado. Right now, I am just waiting and driving my dad's car to school and to high school golf practice every so often. Driving by myself is something that I am getting used to everyday from driving my dad's car. Soon, I will need it when I get older in my life. Driving skills are coming to play for me, meaning that I am using what I learned from EZWAY driving class from last year (1 1/2 years possibly) and using it to develop a good driving habit, just like they want young drivers to develop.
I still have yet to improve on, but time is still with me. In mean time, here is a picture of my licence plate.
MISSION: Clean the world one run at a time
MISSION: Run mini/marathon races throughout my lifetime
MISSION: Help the people that need help
MISSION: Create my Pick'n Run business 
MISSION: Create my own automobile company that uses recycled materials 
MISSION: Play all the types of saxophones 
MISSION: Play all the instruments around the world
MISSION: Travel around the world
MISSION: Create more missions

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