Wednesday, June 18, 2014

That Was Fast, Too Fast

Sorry for the late post after school. I had plans up rolling for the summer. So to put it short, the school year was fast that I could just blink three times and that would be it. We did have some snow days that moved the end of the school day further, but not much to replace all of it. I did more activities inside and outside of school for my sophomore year; one advanced class, cross country (fall sport) and golf (spring sport), more spending with anime club, and much more jazz gigs at different locations. Those were the main activities that I enjoyed and throughout the school year, I got to learn lessons that I will need in the future and throughout my life.
Currently right now, I am in this drum camp called Keith Hall Summer Drum Intensive (you could learn more about him on this link). I learning the drum's way of playing and feel for every hit of the drum stick. The camp is six days; four days at Western Michigan University and two performance days at the Union (the same place where my high school jazz band performed once). So far, I am really enjoying the experience of playing and learning. New friends and teachers that I make, which I call them drum buddies. I can't explain the experience, but it is something that you should try in the future or right now.
Yeah, that is all I could say.
Peace out brothers and sisters-MNM

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